Seton Home Study School
Study Skills Online

 L e s s o n  3

Sometimes we become overwhelmed by the big picture. We see all these lessons and the year stretching out before us like an endless road ahead. While you must keep in mind your long-term goals, such as your high school graduation, on a daily basis you should concentrate on the steps you need to take today and this week. Whether we want to become a tap dancer or a horseback rider, a typist or an accountant, everything starts with a first step, a second step, a third step. Each goal requires concentration on each step, step-by-step.

The first step is to set short-term goals. For example, if we have a research report to finish in nine weeks, all that work ahead of us looks overwhelming. Break the assignment down into short-term goals, each with a few steps.

We need to think before we act. It is important to THINK out a plan of steps BEFORE we DO anything. Some students just rush off to the library and start loading up on books before THINKING out a plan. Some students are not in the habit of PLANNING. Planning is a vital first step.

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Next: Lesson 4.