Seton Home Study School
Study Skills Online

Study Skills Review

1. Which of the following is NOT part of the SQ3R method?

2. A dictionary is an optional study aid.

3. Since we sometimes become overwhelmed by the big picture, it is always a good idea to set -term goals.

4. "Survey" means to read the text materials carefully and thoughtfully, thinking about the questions.

5. Some students find that playing soft background music is conducive to study, since it drowns out other distracting noises.

6. An organizes the main ideas of a lesson. It is like an easy summary or guideline.

7. It is a good idea to place your desk facing the window.

8. When you take a break from studying, it is a good idea to do a physical activity, such as going for a short walk.

9. Which of the following locations is the best place to study?

10. If you want to locate quickly information about a subject that you read in your textbook, you can