Seton Home Study School
Study Skills Online

Lesson 7 - Avoiding Distractions

You must eliminate distractions. For a couple of weeks, make a list of the distractions that interfered with your studying. Try to figure out how to eject, shut out, dispel, exclude each one. Ask your mother and father to help you to oust distractions. A good student controls the situation, removes possible distractions. Students in a classroom are forced to focus on their studies as they are confined in a classroom, but students at home need more will power to keep distractions away during study time. Many home school students admit this is the hardest part of home schooling. Some high school students go to the local college library for a couple of hours a day to avoid distractions.

Find a location in your home where you will not have the distractions. Your dad might enclose a corner in your basement or attic or bedroom for a study room for you. Have your parents look for an inexpensive study carrel. Consider building a study carrel.

  Most common distractions: 

          Next: Lesson 8.