Catholic Homeschool Curriculum
Seton’s History Program
Catholics understand the Incarnation, the moment that God took on a human nature, to be the central event of history. Therefore, a Catholic view of history is very different from what would be taught in a public school. Our curriculum is based on objective truth, and it does not attempt to reinterpret events in the light of post-modern, politically-motivated theories. Seton’s history program is heavily focused on the history of Western Civilization (Grades 2, 6, & 7) and especially American history (Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, & 8) as most of our students are from the United States.
In American History 1 for Young Catholics, children learn about explorers like Christopher Columbus, missionaries, the building of our nation, the first Thanksgiving, and the Declaration of Independence.
They learn about great Americans such as St. Rose Duchesne, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Mother Cabrini. Children study the lives of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, with the Fr. Lovasik books.
Children study geography in Geography Skills for Young Catholics 1: Our Neighborhood and Parish, receiving practice and reinforcement in using maps, direction words, finding directions, map symbols, and measuring distance.
History 2
In Passport to the World for Young Catholics, students are taken on a journey of exploration through all continents and fifteen specific countries. The book examines the physical features, animals, foods, and Church in these locations in depth.
The workbook Geography Skills 2 for Young Catholics: The World Around Us teaches students essential skills in maps, charts, and geography skills.
History 3
In History 3 for Young Catholics: The Catholic Faith Comes to the Americas, children learn American history through short biographies of the early discoverers, missionaries and founders of America: Columbus, René de La Salle, Charles Carroll, Mother Seton, and more.
Students continue the integration of geography with their history studies using Map Skills for Today: Grade 3. Topics include: using a map key, using a map scale, and finding distance.
History 4
History becomes an adventure for students with The Catholic Faith Comes to the New World. They sail icy northern seas with Vikings and unknown waters with Columbus. They watch as colonists settle in the New World and they learn about their hardships and triumphs. They watch George Washington and other patriots as they fight for America’s liberty and take pride in the Catholic leaders who helped to win victory for a new nation.
Geography Skills 4 for Young Catholics rounds out the course with geography lessons which explain how to use maps and interpret charts. Maps in this book focus on states in the eastern half of the United States.
History 5
In America’s Catholic Heritage, children learn the inspiring story of the men and women who built these great United States. They learn the story of the people, events, and the Catholic influence that made the dream come true.
Students have lessons blending reading and writing skills with content area instruction, involving advanced thinking skills such as drawing conclusions and using maps. In Map Skills for Today: Grade 5, they study topics including relief maps, analyzing map data, and contour lines.
History 6
In Our Catholic Legacy, Volume I, students travel from pre-historic times to the Age of Discovery. They are introduced to the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, the Christian era and the threat posed to Christianity by the spread of Islam and Viking raiders.
They study the crusaders, St. Patrick, the spiritual life of Europe in the Middle Ages, the Protestant Revolution, and the great Catholic saints who emerged from it. Map Skills: Grade 6 supplements the course with lessons on using maps, latitude and longitude, finding places in the Eastern Hemisphere and world time zones.
Alternate Course: History of the Philippines
For our Filipino students, we have an alternate option: The History of the Philippines.
This course is based on a fun narrative-style book from author Phillip Campbell, The Story of the Philippines: God's Rampart in Asia.
History 7
Our Catholic Legacy, Volume II helps students appreciate the richness of our Catholic heritage. Students learn about Michelangelo, St. Catherine of Sienna, Queen Isabella of Spain, St. Joan of Arc, Rembrandt, Cardinal Mindszenty, St. Maximilian Kolbe, and others.
Also included in the course is Map Skills: Grade 7. Topics covered include using an elevation map, reading a population map, and using a map and a graph together.
History 8
The historical period from the discovery of America to the 2008 election is covered in The History of the United States: History 8 for Young Catholics.
Review questions throughout the 32 chapters and end of chapter questions help the students focus on the important content.
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Your enrollment provides you with much more than just a box of books. It provides an accredited education, a strong support system, and a community of staff and homeschoolers who are in your corner. It provides access to academic and support counseling, grading and record keeping, and a solid Catholic curriculum that promotes strong Catholic values in each and every subject.
Catholic Materials
All of our books and materials are thoroughly Catholic, from beginning to end.